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Our Beers

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The brewing process

Brewing Brewing


Malting, Milling, Mashing

Is the process Where barley grain is made ready for brewing. Grain is added to water and soaked for around 40 hrs. After germinating for 5 days, the grain is dried in kiln

Milling cracjs the grains and makes it easier for them to absorb the water that they are mixed with and which extracts sugars from the malt

Mashing Combinesthe milled grain with water and heats it in a mash tun. Mashing takes 1 to 2 hours.


Lautering and Boiling

Lautering is the separation of the wort (the liquid containing the sugar extracted during mashing) from the grains.

Boiling the malt extracts, called wort, ensures sterility. During the boil hops are added, which contribute bitterness, flavour, and aroma to the beer

Brewing Brewing
Brewing Brewing


Fermenting and Conditioning

After the wort is cooled and aerated - usually with sterile air - yeast is added to it, and it begins to ferment.

Conditioning can take place in the same tank as the fermenting. at this stage, the beer is cooled to around freezing which settles the yeast and causes proteins to coagulate and settle out with the yeast




Filtering the beer stabilizes the flavour, and gives beer its polished shine and brillance. Not all beer is filtered. Then, the beer is put into kegs, and ready to be enjoyed.



We sell kegs to local bars, restaurants and hotels, and do the installation and maintenance of draft beer systems.

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